Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Of Peony and Summertime

Peony - Named after Paeon, a student of Asclepius, the Greek God of medicine and healing. When Asclepius became jealous of his pupil, Zeus saved Paeon from his wrath by turning him into the Peony flower. The Peony is among the longest-used flowers in Eastern culture and is one of the smallest living creature emblems in China. Along with the plum blossom, it's a traditional floral symbol of China. It is also known as "flower of riches and honour" or "king of the flowers", and is used symbolically in Chinese art. Oh, and Renoir painted peony as well in some his very famous works.
What is your favorite flower? I do believe that Peony with greenery and ivy wrapped in brown paper bags would be a special treat to receive - and wouldn't the ruffled lovelies look great at a dinner setting? Romantic as well, they are perfect for Valentine's or Birthday gifts. Yes, Peony are truly a special flower!
In other news, please stop by and visit my Shop, Fancy Chic & Vintage
We are adding new merchandise all month long, and you might find something you simply cannot live without! We have a few sales going on as well - Hope you enjoy your day today friends!
Fancy Chic & Vintage

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